. . . the*Days
Today is theiR SchOOL reOpen Day! =]Den dOn't knOw why suddenly misS them deEpLy...Another New teRm start wIthOut me.......... Remember ytd i even dream K at night,seeing we hand hold hand go tO take exam tOgether....happy like KiDs.....and XiaOting in there as weLl...We laugh and cry and JumP Up and dOwn.........That feEling sO freSh and real caused me can't beLieve it's jUz a dream when i woke Up....Hai~ If at that time i work haRder and hArdEr and haRdeR,maybe thiS dream wiLl cOme TRUE...bUt now say it stilL gt what Use??!! What a useLeSs! -_-""....
i dunnO why Xueting onLine and den go tO tag Jas and mc's board in their blog Only, forgetting me...except minE....To be honest,it hurts me abit....................Am i expect toO mUch?! Or diDn't i do anything wRong?....Shit...what's wRong wif M E now?? haha...
Recevied K and Jas de msg in the early mOrning,greeting me gOOd mOrniNg and K said wOrk haRd together... and den i fOund i cant stOp smiLing...and these sentenses maKe me stAy on clOud nine fOr Whole day! siNcE i Live them...i live on those lines for wHoLe Day. sO tOday my mOod keeP on hAppy in sChOoL...diDn't act..i know tt......hahaha..... OoPS...hahaha...
In case forget one day Or lost paper where i wrote this address...sO pOst heRe...hehe.
Horoscope Match
+""* +""* +""* +""* +""* +""* +""* +""* +""* +""*
*""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+ *""+
Horoscope Match.
True friends dOn't need it...
and your enemies wOn't believe you anyway!!!
Don't cOmplain anyhOw!!
It will bOther yOur true Friends and b3 troublesOme...
and, enemies wOn't listen to yOu and cOncentrate On what did you say and bOther!!
i have respOnsible to solve my Own prOblem!!!
Friend is friend,sharing jOy and happiness oNlY...None Of them are respOnsibe for hOw am i and tO b3 my Listener... !!! Why Old till now i just start to understand this simpLe truth??
Sight Of My WonderfuL Shanghai Night!!!
Why everything juz can't tO be nORmaL?!!! Y i sUch Us3lesS!! Hate ME,hate myselF,hate a girL calLs NW!! AahHhhh....!!!!!!!!
Why always act i don't care but actually i really dO and don't know hOW to express den be misunderstood by ppl?...Y such false?!!
Everytime see your shORt response,it hurt me...
When anger makes me copy the way you did,exchange a shOrt response,i hurt myself badly just by doing that........again and again.....i can't handle...i donn't want tO guess what are you thinking anymOre....
Obviously,i have nO enough either patience or time tO play your game as well...PLS GIVE ME A SERIOUS A SENSE OF SECURITY IF YOU STILL CARE FOR ME... I MEAN STILL...
it's unfair you think everything your own and let me guess what's wrong with you alone....worryiing...
It seemed that nicer you was tO me in private,the meaner you had to be tO me in pUblic...tt's piSS off...
Looking back,..if i become honest abit,would outcome be different now?
good night!!
All Of Her
Name : Ah-wEi
Nick : Zhuzhu (",)
Age : 31
D.O.B : 03/05/1986
Sign : Taurus
Email : hellopiggy3@hotmail.com
MSN : hellopiggy3@hotmail.com
((( shoOouts )))
+ yOu And Me OnLy +
Partner In Crimes
→ DeNiSe.
→ EsLyN.
→ FaReEzA.
→ JaSlInE.
→ JaSlInE II.
→ JaSlInE III.
→ JaNiCe.
→ JanHuI.
→ JoAnNe.
→ liJuN.
→ liPiNg.
→ Vivian(ting).
→ XueTing(PYSS).
→ XueTing(TP).
→ XiangLin.
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-> YvOnNe II
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